Tuesday 26 January 2010

I enjoy researching and presenting fashions that have been considered icons of design such as the swing skirts of the 1950s and the very different styles of punk and power dressing of the 1980’s. I like designing and creating garments that reflect these times but still have something new and modern about them. I also take inspiration from everyday occurrences that we usually don’t see as interesting. For example the design that is inspired by sweet wrappers that would otherwise be thrown away. The style that I work in is very much colour focussed and I like to exaggerate the colours and make them brighter in order to create something that stands out and is visually pleasing. I find that colour is an important factor in creating visual pieces of art such as fashion because of the way that different colours can alter people’s mood and have different impacts on each individual. I am also fascinated in the different shapes that we observe throughout our lives and how they would look on the body. Therefore my designs combine structure and tailoring with free-flowing and unusual shapes as I think that garments should work with the body, not against but still retain a sense of fun and individuality. After all, this is the way that garment are displayed and appreciated, whether worn on catwalks or simply when walking down the street.

I am interested in this fashion course because I am passionate about designing and making fashion garments that I am proud of and that represent me as a person. I feel that this course will bring out both my creative and practical skills to their full advantage therefore creating garments that contain my personality and flair to make them stand out from the crowd and turn heads.